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Страна: Greece
Адрес: 306 Dimokratias Av., 68132 Alexandroupolis
Телефон: +302421030930
Имейл: [email protected]
Уебсайт: www.alexpolis.gr
Зала: 4
Щанд: C 5

Информация за изложителя

With its strategic position, a crossroads of sea and land routes, Alexandroupolis connects Europe and Asia, East to the West. This beautiful seaside city, whose trademark is a Lighthouse, forms the centre of a truly fascinating region.  A part of its old fisher village charm evokes the memory of a distant past and the Lighthouse stands proudly casting uninterruptedly its light on the sea for over a century.
Don’t miss the opportunity to stroll along the waterfront or visit the nearby towns of Didymoteicho, Soufli and Feres, boasting gems like the church of Panagia Kosmosoteira and the Evros Delta.

Enjoy the wonderful organized beaches located next to the town with clear blue waters.

A tour around the coastal zone between the archaeological sites of Mesimvria Zone and Maroneia stretching out to the small port of Agios Charalambos, a visit to ancient Ismara, to the cave-church of Agioi Theodoroi, to the mines and to the famous villa of Kirki are also a must during your stay in the area.


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